The study of universal interconnectedness is infinitely fascinating. I especially love exploring the connection between human beings and universal patterns. This subject often leads to more questions than answers such as: are we the universe experiencing itself?
— Synchronicities suggest a deep, intrinsic interconnectedness within the universe.
— Below are some of my favorites between the universe and humans.
“You are the universe, expressing itself as a human for a little while.”
— Eckhart Tolle
nebulas & eyes
— The human eye often resembles aspects of space, such as the Helix Nebula.
— You can see the similarities in not only the shape, but also the pattern and texture.
lightning and veins
— Veins in humans, as well as most mammals, have a visual similarity to lightning.
trees and lungs
— The bronchi found in human lungs resemble most trees found in nature.
— Also, the mutual relationship between the two is important to mention: the transaction of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
walnuts and brains
— Not only are their appearances very similar, but also the omega 3’s in walnuts benefit the brain.
fingerprints and tree rings
— Visual similarities, as well as meaning and symbolization.
— They’re both used for forms of identification. Fingerprints are unique to each of us, and tree rings to identify a tree’s age.
are we the universe experiencing itself?
As this post comes to an end, I ask you this: are we the universe experiencing itself? While we may not know the true answer for a while, it is clear there is at the very least, a deep, intrinsic harmony in all things.
To further explore this topic, check out my post: we are one: universal interconnectedness.