10 ways to quickly reprogram your subconscious mind

the sky, with the bright sun, representing a visual of reprogramming your subconscious mind

Whether you’re trying to manifest your dream life, or are just trying to make one aspect of your life a little better, the key lies in reprogramming your subconscious mind. Our minds are like computers and they can be reprogrammed.

The way I see it, it’s like there’s a projector in our minds that shows our outer physical reality. When you change what goes on in your subconscious mind, you change what it is projected, therefore changing your reality. 

This is powerful stuff, and it’s so fun once you get into it. You really can mold your life into exactly how you want it to be. It all starts with reprogramming your subconscious mind. 

Here are my top ten favorite ways to quickly reprogram your subconscious mind. 


When it comes to reprograming your subconscious mind, repetition is key. That is especially the case with affirmations. By repeating positive affirmations over and over again, you’re reprogramming your mind by changing what your dominant thoughts are. 

You can choose what goes on in your mind. It’s up to you whether your inner space is heaven or hell. It takes consistency and discipline, but it is possible to make your mind a nice place to be. And who wouldn’t want that? We’re never apart from our minds after all. 

Here are my favorite resources for affirmations:

  • Insight Timer app
    • thousands of free meditations
    • so many different choices for affirmations, everything from self-confidence to money to relationships
  • Parrot app
    • this is a voice recording app that will repeat your recordings back to you infinitely
    • I love writing a list of a few affirmations and recording them in this app to be able to listen to while driving, cleaning, and other mundane tasks
  • YouTube
    • my favorite channel lately has been High Frequency Guru, her stuff is amazing (I listen to her “rampage” recordings when I only want affirmations)
  • Pinterest
    • I have an entire board of affirmations and I love scrolling through it when I need a positive boost
    • here’s my Pinterest page if you want to check it out!


Visualization is so fun. It feels like being a little kid again, letting your daydreams run wild. I do have to say, imagination is like a muscle so it might take some practicing to get back into it again. Don’t be discouraged if it feels a bit hard at first. 

I love using meditations on Insight Timer to help guide my visualizations. It makes the process much easier and helps you to stay focused. You can search “visualize” or “visualization” in the search bar and hundreds of different meditations will pop up. 

You can also do this without guidance if you’d like. Just think about what you want most in the world. Imagine in your mind as though it’s already happened, like it’s a memory. Engage all your senses. If you’re imagining your dream house on the beach, what does it look like? Smell like? Sound like? Can you hear the waves crashing on the shore? Can you smell the salty air?

Allow yourself to run wild in your visualizations. There are no rules in your imagination. You can do anything, be anything. Allow yourself this freedom. Don’t hold yourself back. 


Good ol’ classic meditation is great for reprogramming your subconscious mind. This is because it quiets the subconscious, which then makes it easier to influence. 

Again, I love Insight Timer for meditations. Their guided meditations are so helpful for staying focused and tackling different aspects of your life. Whether you’re struggling with social anxiety, need help falling asleep, or just want to set your intentions and have a good day, they have a meditation for that. 

You can also search for subconscious reprogramming meditations specifically, which will help speed up the process. 

positive self-talk

The way you talk to yourself matters. If there’s a little bully in your mind all day long how can you ever have a good day? Become aware of your inner dialogue. Don’t let those negative thoughts just slip by. Stop them and consciously replace them with positive thoughts instead. 

For example, if you have a thought that says “I’m always so awkward in social settings”, change the thought to how you want your reality to be, so something like “I am always kind, calm, and confident in social settings”. Another example is “I never have enough money”, change it to “I always have enough money for all of my needs and wants”.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it yet. What matters is that you choose thoughts that reflect the reality you want to live in. Commit to changing all of your negative thoughts to positive ones and you will quickly begin to see a difference in your outer world. 

gratitude practice 

Gratitude is such a game-changer. There’s so much to be grateful for at all times, no matter what your life looks like. I used to be so sad, drowning in my sorrows, and it wasn’t until I started practicing gratitude for the tiniest things that my life drastically changed for the better. 

For any ailment in your life, flip the script by practicing gratitude. If you’re upset because you don’t like the look of your body, practice gratitude for your legs and feet allowing you to walk, your eyes allowing you to see, and your arms allowing you to hug your loved ones. 

Focus on what you’re grateful for and you’ll begin to naturally expect positive outcomes. This is because by practicing gratitude, you are shifting your mindset from lack to abundant thinking. Being lucky and having good things happen to you will become your new normal. 

subliminal messages 

Subliminals saved my life. Just a year or two ago, I was in such a dark place I didn’t think I’d ever be able to find my way out. One day, as I was scrolling through YouTube videos, I came across a positive affirmations subliminal and thought I’d try it just for the hell of it. The description said to keep coming back to it every day for a few weeks for the best results, so I did. 

Within just a week or two, it was like I had a new brain. My dark, depressing thoughts melted away as though they had never existed and I naturally began to think positive, happy thoughts without even trying. 

Subliminals work so well because they bypass the conscious mind. This is so helpful in reprogramming the subconscious because this way the conscious mind isn’t blocking these new thoughts and ideas. 

Lately, my favorite subliminal channels on YouTube have been i want it, i got it and High Frequency Guru (she has subliminals and affirmation recordings—both are incredible).

sleep programming 

This is something I’m still testing out because I struggle to fall asleep with noise. But if you’re less sensitive to noise than me, sleep affirmations or subliminals can be an amazing way to quickly reprogram your subconscious mind.

There are sleep tapes out there that are subliminals with white or brown noise so I might try something like that as opposed to affirmations so that it’s easier for me to sleep. 

I’ve heard people get incredible results from using sleep tapes so it’s definitely something I want to start using. Sleep programming works so well because the subconscious is more open at this time. Again, anytime we can get the conscious to lower its walls and stop blocking new beliefs, that’s when we can easily and quickly reprogram the subconscious mind.

Some YouTubers who I already use for their shorter subliminals, also have longer recordings for sleep. My favorites are Dylan James and High Frequency Guru.


Self-hypnosis is another fast way you can begin reprograming your subconscious mind. It works so well because it allows you to enter a state of deep relaxation where your conscious mind is less active, therefore making the subconscious more easily impressionable. In other words, it turns off the conscious filter so that the subconscious can be reprogrammed. 

Here are some places you can find guided self-hypnosis:

These are just the ones I’ve tried so far, there are thousands of other resources out there.

emotional freedom technique (EFT) 

I love tapping, or in other words, the emotional freedom technique (EFT). It’s so calming and works so well in reprogramming the subconscious mind. It’s a practice that combines tapping acupressure points with positive affirmations. 

I love it because it uses both the mind and body to release negative emotions, which in addition to repeating positive affirmations, successfully reprograms the subconscious mind. 

A great resource for tapping is YouTube. There are dozens of tapping for beginners videos to get started.

mirror work

I’m not going to lie, mirror work can be so uncomfortable at first. Eye contact is already a little scary, but doing it with yourself while repeating slightly cheesy positive affirmations can feel so weird. But hey, if it works it works.

Standing in front of a mirror, looking into your eyes, and speaking positive affirmations to yourself can help create a connection with your subconscious mind. Through this connection, you can begin quickly reprogramming your subconscious. 

Think about what you want, and create a list of affirmations from that vision. For some more inspiration, check out my Pinterest board of affirmations.

consistency is key

Consistency is key to everything in life, as I talked about in this post, but it’s especially important when reprogramming the subconscious mind. It’s through repetition that new beliefs begin to stick in your mind and become normal to you.

After decades of negative beliefs and thought patterns, it will take some practice and consistency to release and change them—but it’s so, so worth it.

I hope you’ll try these out and let me know your favorite methods in the comments below! Have an amazing day!

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