You know, maybe it’s okay we’re all a little lost. I have no idea what I want to do with my life other than to love and create. And I think I’m finally okay with that. I’ve realized it’s okay to feel lost.
Honestly, who says we have to have it all figured out? Who says we have to know what we want to do for the rest of our lives?
Even if someone has demanded that of us, who says they’re right? We’re all just human after all — none greater than the other.
time is an illusion
Trying to figure everything out is fruitless, as time is an illusion, after all. We’re only ever in the present moment. And yeah, we’ve heard that a million times, but let it sink in for a minute.
You’ve only ever been in the present moment.
In our minds, we’re able to travel to the past and future, but physically we’re always in the present moment.
We cannot exist anywhere else but here.
be here now
What’s most important is now. You don’t have to know what career you’ll want ten years from now. What ignites your soul now? What brings you joy now? You’ll only ever exist now. Take care of the you that is here in the present moment.
Now, as with most things in life finding balance is the key. It’s not about giving up on future dreams, it’s about prioritizing the present moment.
Too often we sacrifice our days with worries about the past and anxiety about the future, and then we mourn all the precious time lost.
Balance can be found in structuring our days to include both joyful things that nurture our soul now, as well as baby steps that bring us closer to accomplishing our goals.
life is beautiful
We are not here to suffer. I stand by that with my whole heart.
Chilly morning sunrises and post-hurricane rainbows and fuzzy bumblebees upon flowers are far too beautiful for me to believe anything else.
Release the pressure to be so sure of everything. You’re okay, we’re okay. It’s all going to be okay.
It’s okay to be unsure. It’s okay to feel lost.
For more discussions on similar topics, check out all of my posts on mindset and spirituality.